Doug Schiller visits the Caruso Museum June 20, 2011

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Doug Schiller visits the Caruso Museum June 20, 2011

Brian Caruso
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Doug Schiller from Texas visited the Caruso Racing Museum on Monday June 20, 2011 for the second time. Doug's Dad Carl Schiller was the founder of the Larc-Douglas Company that produced the Offyette Quarter & Half Midgets on Long Island in the 1950's & 1960's. He is a Racing and Quarter Midget Historian and has a wealth of information. We really enjoyed his visit and spending time exchanging stories and information. Here is Doug with the Caruso #2 Kurtis-Kraft & Caruso #2 Offyette Quarter Midget his Dad built more than 50 years ago. Doug Schiller in front of the Wickey Quarter Midgets his Dad sold as kits to Bob Wickey who built the cars more than 50 years ago Doug Schiller behind the Offyette Half Midget his Dad built more than 50 years ago. Doug Schiller behind the two Offyettes his Dad built more than 50 years ago. Mike Caruso Jr & Doug Schiller with the Caruso #3 Kurtis-Kraft Midget. Brian Caruso, Doug Schiller & Mike Caruso Jr Doug Schiller & Mike Caruso Jr. Brian Caruso & Doug Schiller.