exhibit on Mike Caruso in the Hicksville Gregory Museum

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exhibit on Mike Caruso in the Hicksville Gregory Museum

Richard Althaus
Looking for the article Smith wrote in, THE BULB HORN 1964, Vol. XXV No.1 Jan-Feb, Pages 18-22. Titled THE GREAT CARUSO. I'm preparing to install an exhibit on Mike Caruso in the Hicksville Gregory Museum and this article describes his Wrecking Co. in detail with photos from 1937. Smith Hempstone was at Mike's junkyard, bought parts and took the photos.

I know the article is in the photo section of this website. But I'm looking for a quality scan of this article to use in the exhibit. Especially of the photos!

It will be a smaller exhibit then the one done in the early 1980's. If there are items/photos one wishes to display in this exhibit on loan let me know.

Contact me:

Richard Althaus

516.822-7505 Ext 11
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Re: exhibit on Mike Caruso in the Hicksville Gregory Museum

Brian Caruso
This post was updated on .
Richard, Thats great! I will email you the scanned copies of the article tomorrow. Is this a temporary exhiibit? Also is there a small exihibit there already? I can send you any pictures you see on the website. Let me know. Thank you, Brian Caruso  702 871 4300
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Re: exhibit on Mike Caruso in the Hicksville Gregory Museum


Thank you! I received your email with the article. I'll look though the photo page again and will let you know. Yes it is temporary, for a couple months. The exhibit in 1982/1984 was more extensive with a few of the race cars in attendance. Regrettably we don't have any of those in the collection. I figured it was high time to bring a small part of it back to life, the only part we own. The rest of the items were on loan back then. A few photos, a bill and a few odds and ends that's what we have today. I don't want Hicksville to forget such a thrilling time of its rich history.
